Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Planes of Monvesia: Endless Companions

The world of Monvesia recognizes several more transitive planes than most other D&D worlds.  Two of these have no counterparts at all among the traditional planes of 5th Edition: Infinity (including "Per Speculum", the Mirror Plane) and Eternity (the Temporal Plane).  While analogs for each had existed in earlier editions of the game, they were treated as minor, variant planes.

In the setting of Monvesia, these two planes also form a "companionship"--a trait common to the Transitive Planes.  These two planes share in common connections to the Lithosphere, the Hydrosphere, and the lunar dominion of Sylane.  They are functional, practical planes that affect the structure of the Material Plane and how mortals interact with it.

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Functional Orbs

The far reaches of the transitive planes contain gateways of energy that act as gateways to the worlds beyond.  On the functional planes, these take the form of colored, pearlescent orbs, 1d6 x 10 feet in diameter.  These gateways can be identified by color:
  • White, Hierosphere (elemental plane of light) [Reflection]
  • Purple, Orbimond (material plane)
  • Bright Yellow, Hesperia [Reflection]
  • Gold, Lithosphere (elemental plane of earth)
  • Brown, Stygia [Eternity]
  • Olive, Utopia
  • Lime Green, Arcadia [Reflection]
  • Green, Hydrosphere (elemental plane of water)
  • Forest Green, Tartarus [Eternity]
  • Black, Necrosphere (elemental plane of void) [Eternity]

Infinity, the Mirror Plane

Spheres/Elements: Hieropshere (Light), Hydrosphere (Water), Lithosphere (Earth)
Temperaments:  Altruist, Dynamist, Materialist
Inhabitants & Rulers:  Doubles, Deep Reflexions
Alternate Names:  Per Speculum (Near Infinity)
Opposing Plane:  the Inferno
Dominion:  the Moon
D&D Analog:  Mirror Planes [3rd edition]

The common perspective is that Infinity is "behind" the Material Plane; this is because a portion of  the plane can be glimpsed in mirrors as a reverse of reality.  One can look around the corners of a mirror to see more of this reverse plane, but one can never truly grasp the full scope and reality of it by sight alone.  This notion is even seen in the plane's common name in Cuorria, Per Speculum--which often translates as "through the mirror (or looking glass)."

While in the plane itself, which can be accessed from any mirror or other reflective surface (using the right spells or rituals), the entire plane looks like a reversed copy of the Mortal Plane.   The otherworldly quality of the plane is further accentuated by muted colors, and a slight a metallic sheen covering every surface--even non-metal objects like wood and cloth.  Sometimes, light will even refract and distort.  Mirrors in this plane are widows to the Mortal Plane.

When a living creature is reflected, what is seen is actually a type of creature called a double, which is plane's daemon.  These creatures inhabit Per Speculum, which is the portion of this transitive plane coterminous with the Mortal Plane--and the region most familiar to mortals, who can look into it almost daily.

Beyond this, coterminous with portions of the Cosmic Marches, is the Far InfiniteThis region can seem like vast, never-ending, repetitive corridors--an appearance that can be mimicked in the Mortal Realm by placing two mirrors so that they reflect each other.

The rulers of the Mirror Plane are called Deep Reflexions.  These archdaemons have gained control of the fundamental realities of their plane.  With this power, they may serve as patrons for warlocks.

Eternity, Temporal Plane

Spheres/Elements: Hydrospere (Water), Lithosphere (Earth), Necrosphere (Void)
Temperaments:  Dynamist, Materialist, Nihilist
Inhabitants & Rulers:  Anachronisms, Legacies
Alternate Names:  Modal Plane, Plane of Infinite Possibility
Opposing Plane:  the Empyrean
Dominion:  the Moon
D&D Analog:  Demiplane of Time [1st edition], Temporal Prime [2nd edition], Temporal Energy Plane [3rd edition]

All of time and space exist within Eternity--timelines, time spirals, time coils, time strings, time balls, etc.  No matter how time is conceived, all possible outcomes exist here.  In fact, Eternity exists outside of any conception of time--and the time experienced by the Mortal Plane is an emanation from this plane.

Instead of using resurrection or reincarnation spells, once could use a time loop spell to seemingly bring someone back from the dead; in truth, they are transported from one possible reality to another with their own memories and experiences intact.  Any spell that deals with the passage of time relies on the temporal energy of Eternity.

Not all things brought through this temporal plane can find a natural existence in the reality of Monvesia's Mortal Plane.  These creatures, pulled out of their time, can retreat back to Eternity--but they rarely find their way back "home" through the labyrinthine twists of possible time.  Instead, they come to live in Eternity itself as anachronisms--the daemons of this transitive plane.

The most common anachronisms encountered are the modrons and the inevitables.  Long separated from their home reality and time, these clockwork beings have come to be the (somewhat serendipitous) caretakers of the Temporal Plane.  It is possible the inevitables are the true anachronisms, and they created to modrons to assist them in maintaining the time streams.

Conceivably, any creature identified as not being a part of Monvesia could appear as an anachronism.  Only the modrons and inevitables, however, have made a home in the Temporal Plane. It is possible that the warforged could find a place as the mortal counterparts of the anachronisms.
The rulers of Eternity are a superior class of anachronisms called Legacies--events in history (or even the future) that affect the reality of the Mortal Plane long after (or even long before) their actual occurrence.  Some Legacies are so potent, that they exist in other temporal realities, bu still affect teh reality of the Mortal Plane.  Legacies are pure temporal energy--and they can grant a portion of that energy to warlocks as their patrons.

Edited Sep 24, 2018; Oct 7, 2018; Nov 13/14, 2019 [planes named "Reflexion" and "Eternity"]; Nov 22, 2019 [Reflexion becomes Per Speculum]; May 23, 2020 [Per Speculum becomes Infinity; companionship renamed Endless]. 

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