Changeling: The Dreaming - Index of Character Options

Source Abbreviations

Changeling: The Dreaming (1st Edition), CD1
Changeling: The Dreaming (2nd Edition), CD2
Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition, C20
Players Guide for Changeling The Dreaming, CPG
Nobles: The Shining HostCSH
The Autumn PeopleCAP
The Shadow CourtCSC
The Enchanted, CDE
Denizens of the Dreaming, CDD


Book of Storyteller Secrets, CSS
Freeholds and Hidden Glens, CFG
Immortal Eyes: The Toybox, IE1
Immortal Eyes: Shadows on the Hill, IE2
Immortal Eyes: Court of All Kings, IE3
Isle of the Mighty, CIM

Kith & Character Types


Boggans, CD1/CPG/CSC
Nockers, CD1/CPG/CSC
Pooka, CD1/CPG/CSC
Redcaps, CD1/CPG/CSC
Satyrs, CD1/CPG/CSC
Sidhe, CD1/CPG/CSC
Sluagh, CD1/CPG/CSC
Trolls, CD1/CPG/CSC


Beasties, CSC
Boggarts, CSC
Bogies, CSC
Goblins, CSC
Ogres, CSC


Clurichaun, IE3
Ghille Dhu, CIM
Selkies, IE1

Adhene / Denizens / Dark Kin

Acheri, CDD
Aonides, CDD
Fir-bholg, CDD
Fuath, CDD
Keremet, CDD
Moiræ, CDD
Naraka, CDD


Ali'i, IE2
Kahuna, IE2
Hana, IE2
Kokua, IE2


May-may-gwya-shi (Rock Fishers), CPG
Rock Giants, CPG
Nanehi, CPG
Yunwi Amai'yine'hi (Water People), CPG
Yunwi Tsundsi (Little People), CPG
Canotili (Tree Dwellers), CPG
Tunghat (Green Dwarves, Owners), CPG
Kachinas, CPG
Surems (Yaqui Little People), CPG
Water Babies, CPG
Nümüzo'ho (Crushers of People), CPG
Pu'gwis, CPG
Inuas, CPG


Autumn People, CAP/CPG
Dauntain, CAP
Kinain, CDE


Seelie Legacies

Arcadian, CPG
Aspirant, CPG
Bumpkin, CD1
Comrade, CPG
Courtier, CD1
Crafter, CD1
Gadfly, CPG
Hermit, CD1
Humanist, CPG
Knight, CPG
Orchid, CD1
Paladin, CD1
Philanthropist, CPG
Pishogue, CPG
Prankster, CPG
Regent, CD1
Sage, CD1
Saint, CD1
Stoic, CPG
Troubadour, CD1
Virtuoso, CPG
Wayfarer, CD1

Unseelie Legacies

Beast, CD1
Bogle, CPG
Cerenaic, CPG
Churl, CPG
Craven, CPG
Fatalist, CD1
Fiend, CPG
Fool, CD1
Fop, CPG
Grotesque, CD1
Humbug, CPG
Outlaw, CD1
Peacock, CD1
Ragamuffin, CPG
Rake, CD1
Riddler, CD1
Rogue, CD1
Savage, CD1
Schismatic, CPG
Shade, CPG
Shade, CPG
Sophist, CPG
Wretch, CD1

Nunnehi Legacies


Chief, CPG
Grower, CPG
Healer, CPG
Hunter, CPG
Maker, CPG
Scout, CPG
Spiritguide, CPG
Storyteller, CPG
Warrior, CPG
Wise Once, CPG


Cannibal, CPG
Fool, CPG
Forked-Tongue, CPG
Hoarder, CPG
Outcast, CPG
Raider, CPG
Scalp-Taker CPG
Spoiler, CPG
Troublemaker, CPG
Witch, CPG


Trickster, CPG

Romantic Legacies


Empath, CSH
Friend, CSH
Ingenue, CSH
Jongleur, CSH
Protector, CSH
Romantic, CSH


Climber, CSH
Competitor, CSH
Cynic, CSH
Deceiver, CSH
Martyr, CSH
Gamester, CSH
Spy, CSH


Analyst, CSC
Heartbreaker, CSC
Obsessive, CSC
Tormentor, CSC
Trader, CSC



Acting, CPG
Alertness, CD1
Artistic Expression, CPG
Athletics, CD1
Brawl, CD1
Carousing, CPG
Diplomacy, CPG
Dodge, CD1
Empathy, CD1
Expression, CD1
Fortune-Telling, CPG
Instruction, CPG
Interrogation, CPG
Intrigue, CPG
Intimidation, CD1
Mimicry, CPG
Kenning, CD1
Scan, CPG
Scrounge, CPG
Search, CPG
Seduction, CPG
Sense Deception, CPG
Style, CPG
Streetwise, CD1
Subterfuge, CD1
Ventriloquism, CPG


Acrobatics, CPG
Animal Ken, CPG
Archery, CPG
Blacksmith, CPG
Blind Fighting, CPG
Brewing, CPG
Camouflage, CPG
Carpentry, CPG
Climbing, CPG
Cooking/Baking, CPG
Crafts, CD1
Dancing, CPG
Disguise, CPG
Drive, CD1
Escapology, CPG
Etiquette, CD1
Falconry, CPG
Fast-Draw, CPG
Fast-Talk, CPG
Firearms, CD1
First Aid, CPG
Gambling, CPG
Game Playing, CPG
Gunsmithing, CPG
Hunting, CPG
Hypnotism, CPG
Jeweler, CPG
Leadership, CD1 [a Talent in OtherSPORE]
Leatherworking, CPG
Lockpicking, CPG
Mechanic, CPG
Melee, CD1
Performance, CD1
Pickpocket, CPG
Pilot, CPG
Psychoanalysis, CPG
Ride, CPG
Security, CD1
Singing, CPG
Sleight-of-Hand, CPG
Stealth, CD1
Storytelling, CPG
Survival, CD1
Swimming, CPG
Temporal Sense, CSH
Throwing, CPG
Torture, CPG
Tracking, CPG
Traps, CPG


Alchemy, CPG
Area Knowledge, CPG
Astrology, CPG
Autumn Lore, CDD
Changeling Lore, CDD
Computer, CD1
Computer Hacking, CPG
Cryptography, CPG
Denizen Lore, CDD
Dream Lore, CSH
Enigmas, CD1
Heraldry, CPG
Herbalism, CPG
History, CPG
Investigation, CD1
Law, CD1
Linguistics, CD1
Literature, CPG
Lore, CPG
Medicine, CD1
Mythlore, CD1
Occult, CD1
Poison, CPG
Politics, CD1
Psychology, CPG
Science, CD1
Science Specialties, CPG
Sign Language, CPG
Taxidermy, CPG
Theology, CPG



Chimera, CD1
Companion, CPG
Conacts, CD1
Destiny, CDD
Dreamers, CD1
Gremayre, CD1
Holdings, CD1
Mentor, CD1
Patron, CSH
Political Connections, CSH
Prestige, CSC
Resources, CD1
Retinue, CD1
Title, CD1/CDD
Treasures, CD1
Trod, CSH

Nunnehi Variants

Household [Retinue], CPG
Spirit Companion, CPG
Totem, CPG
Vision [Gremayre], CPG

Kinain Fae

Chimera Companion, CDE
Dross, CDE
Faerie Blood, CDE
Faerie Mentor, CDE
Feth Fiada, CDE

Kinain Mortal

Allies, CDE
Fame, CDE
Influence, CDE

Arts (& Bunks)

Autumn Way, CDD
Chicanery, CD1
Chronos, CSH
Discord, CDD
Dream-Craft, CSH
Legerdemain, CD1
Naming, CPG
Oneiromancy, CDD
Primal, CD1
Pyretics, CPG
Soothsay, CD1
Sovereign, CD1
Spirit Link, CPG
Wayfare, CD1

Dark Arts

Contempt, CSC
Delusion, CSC


Actor, CD1
Nature, CD1
Fae, CD1
Prop, CD1
Scene, CD1

Agendas (Autumn People/Dauntain)

Burnout, CAP
Stultify, CAP
Webcraft, CAP/CPG


Merits and Flaws, CPG/CDD



Dougal, CD1
Eiluned, CD1
Fiona, CD1
Gwydion, CD1
Liam, CD1
Scathach, CSH


Ailil, CSC
Balor, CSC
Leanhaun, CSC

Totems (for Menehune and Nunnehi)

Birch, CPG
Cottonwood, CPG
Dogwood, CPG
Fir, CPG
Fireweed, CPG
Granite, CPG
Ice, CPG
Lava, IE2
Maize (Corn), CPG
Mokihani, IE2
Saguaro Cactus, CPG
Sandstone, CPG
Tobacco, CPG
Whitewater, CPG
Shark, IE2

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