Sunday, September 20, 2020

Mutant Humans (LegacySPORE)

In LegacySPORE, human mutants should be created as mutant animals, using the general rules update from After the Bomb second edition.  Instead of using the human description there, however, use the statistics presented below.  This plays off the mutant animal rules while still preserving aspects of the old method of creating human mutants.

As part of this rules update, options available to mutant animals are also expanded.

New Options for Mutant Animals

Add the following options to all other animals.

Human Features
Looks: The following options are available to non-human mutant animals:
[Partial -2] BIO-E for Androcephalic.  Androcephalic characters have bodies and limbs with no human looks, but heads—particularly faces—with full human looks.  Sphinxes are androcephalic mutants (often with the winged flight super ability).
[Partial +2] BIO-E for Hybrid.  Hybrid characters have legs and feet with no human looks,  but torsos, arms, and hands with full human looks.  The head has partial human looks—though often appears human-like with bestial traits (ears, nose, horns/antlers, etc.).  Fauns and harpies are hybrid mutants.
[Full -2] BIO-E for Zoocephalic.  Zoocephalic characters have heads with no human looks, but bodies and limbs with full human looks.  The deities of ancient Egypt were zoocephalic mutants.
In LegacySPORE, the only way a mutant animal can gain the traits of another animal is to select those traits as super abilities (such as Animal Abilities, Winged Flight, or the like)—BIO-E cannot be spent to develop such traits.  Using a priority system to maintain balance, all characters have the chance to develop super powers and/or psionics.


Only changes to the Human Mutants description in After the Bomb 2E are presented here.  Follow the guidelines in that book unless otherwise noted.
NOTE:  I also use a modified size level chart for this campaign--but these details of that are not important here, so I do no reference size level below.  Use the default of 11 from AtB2.
Mutant Changes & Costs
Total BIO-E:  0
Attribute Bonuses: NONE.

Human Features
Hands: Automatically Full.
Biped: Automatically Full.
Partial: Animal is NOT available (see new options for animals, above).
Speech:  Automatically Full.
Looks: Automatically perfect, and completely human.  Only use the options presented here.

Partial and No Looks options are modified to represent devolved characters:
Gains 10 BIO-E for Partial (Devolved).  These characters resemble other homonid species (such as Neanderthal, Habilis, or Erectus) or hairy “wildmen.”  Typical traits include pronounced brow ridge, flat nose, and weak chin.
Gains 15 BIO-E for None (Devolved).  These characters resemble cryptid “missing links” such as Sasquatch (Bigfoot), Skunk Ape (Florida/Louisiana Bigfoot), Yeren (Chinese Wildman), Yeti (Abominable Snowman), or Yowie.

Alternate or Additional options below are also available.
Gains 2 BIO-E for Strange Ears.  Roll on (or choose from) the Strange Ears table on p.159 of Heroes Unlimited 2E.
Gains 2 BIO-E for Unusual Eyes.  Roll on (or choose from) the Unusual Eyes table on p.159 of Heroes Unlimited 2E.
Gains 3 BIO-E for Odd Skin Color.  Roll on (or choose from) the Odd Skin Color table on p.159 of Heroes Unlimited 2E.
Gains 3 BIO-E for Odd Hair Color.  Roll on (or choose from) the Odd Hair Color table on p.160 of Heroes Unlimited 2E.  Characters with Odd Hair Color cannot gain BIO-E from No Body Hair.
Gains 3 BIO-E for Extreme Amount of Body Hair.  Roll on (or choose from) the Extreme Amount of Body Hair table on p.160 of Heroes Unlimited 2E.  Characters with Extreme Amount of Body Hair cannot gain BIO-E from No Body Hair.
Gains 3 BIO-E for No Body Hair.  Characters with No Body Hair cannot gain BIO-E from either Odd Hair Color or Extreme Amount of Body Hair.

Mutant Animal Powers
In addition to those already listed in After the Bomb 2E.
5 BIO-E for Prehensile Feet; use as Partial Hands
5 BIO-E for Ambidextrous (see description in Heroes Unlimited 2E p. 159)
5 BIO-E for Double Jointed (see description in Heroes Unlimited 2E p. 160)
10 BIO-E for Light Body Armor (as scaly or lumpy skin): A.R. 9, S.D.C 30
10 BIO-E for Stocky Build (see description in Heroes Unlimited 2E p. 160)

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