Sunday, December 29, 2019

Kith of OtherSPΩRE

A Brief Description of Otherworld, OtherSPORE's "Dreaming"

The Otherworld is a parallel world that links all the realities of the TriCosm.  In the reality of GaiaSPORE it is called "Psychical Space"; while in LegacySPORE it is known as the "Astral Planes".  In all cases, these are the same "dimension", shared by all three settings.  This "transitive plane" (to borrow a term from Dungeons & Dragons) exists in three states:  one in "resonant harmony" with physical reality, another state at a "higher resonance", and a third at a "lower resonance."

The higher state is home to the benevolent, virtuous beings called eudamons; this state is known as Overworld or Celeste.  The lower state is home to the malevolent, vicious beings called cacodaemons; conversely, this state is known as Underworld or Chthonia.  The harmonic state is known as Middleworld or Limbo; its native residents (stereotyped as selfish and vain, though this isn't always true) are the agathodaemons.  All three "planes" are visited by otherkin and mundanes alike--particularly in a dream state.
In GaiaSPORE, the divisions of Psychical Space are called Hyperspace, Paraspace, and Subspace.  In LegacySPORE, the divisions of the Astral Planes are called the Higher or Upper Plane, the Parallel Plane, and the Lower Plane.
In most cases, the Dreaming refers to the neutral, harmonic state of the Middleworld; while Arcadia refers to the higher vibration of the Overworld.  Any unseelie holdings in the Dreaming would be the equivalent of the Underworld.

Concerning the Nature of Otherkin, OtherSPORE's "Changelings"

Tens of thousands of years ago, humankind was subject to the manipulative machinations of the Elder Things--ancient horrors from the far reaches of space and time.  Eventually, a group of humans would ascend to a power that rivaled that of the Elder Things; and they used that power to overthrow and imprison their oppressors.  These ascended humans were the first daemons.  The daemons and the Otherworld are inexorably tied to one another:  For it was the existence of an Otherworld that allows some humans to harness the powers that would make them daemons; yet it was the rise of the daemons that solidified the existence of the Otherworld.

Long after the fall of the Elder Things, the daemons began to disagree over their role in the development of humanity.  Those who favored self determination and free will became the eudaemons, while those who wished to control humanity became the cacodaemons.  Those which did not take a side in the conflict became the agathodaemons. Ultimately, Otherworld became separated from the mundane world.  Though interactions between he worlds was permitted under particular circumstances, no daemon was allowed to ever physically cross over again into the mundane world.

It was the cacodaemons who first discovered how to bend this eternal law:  by infusing a portion of their essence in a human child.  Initially seen as an immoral act by the eudamons, they came to practice their own version of the infusion ritual.  In pursuit of balance between the sides, the agathodaemons would follow as well.  These daemon-bonded human youth, commonly called otherkin, are the changelings of OtherSPORE.

Delineating Changeling Kith as Otherkin

Every otherkin is tied to a daemon who views oneself as a parental figure to the "half-breed."  The nature of this daemon (greatly dependent on the resonant state of the Otherworld in which it resides) effects the nature of the otherkin.  There are several broad categories:  the Nephilim, or Angelkin, with a connection to the Celeste; the Changelings, or Faeriekin, with a connection to Limbo; the Cambions, or Demonkin (aka. Devilkin), with a connection to Chthonia; and  (including the Dragonkin, Elementalkin, and Starseeds), which are kintypes that exist without a connection to any otherworld, but to aspects of the mundane realm.

The kith of Changeling: the Dreaming break down into these categories as follows:

Nephilim include the Menehune and the Hsien.  Nephilim are not "good," but more akin to [demi-]god-like.

Changelings are the largest groups, and include the Kithain of  the core rulebook [and any "sub-kith" of these (Obas, River Hags)], the Nunnehi, and any Gallain kith which is not otherwise identified as belonging to any other particular group (Clurichauns, Ghille Dhu, Piskies, Selkies, etc.).

Cambions include all Thallain kith, as well as the Adhene, and the Mer.  This also includes a new vampyre kintype.  Cambions are not "evil," but do have a connection to the spiritually dark and wild.

Elementalkin are the Inanimae.

Dragonkin and Starseeds have yet to be allocated new or existing kith.

Though each kintype is presented in a culturally specific form, kintypes transcend mortal culture, and any may be found in any part of the mortal world.  Their culturally-specific names and presentations represent where those kintypes were recognized and codified.

Concerning Kinain and Dauntain

The lore of the Kinain and the Dauntain are unchanged in OtherSPORE.  The mortal family members of otherkin are more closely tied to the Otherworld than other mundanes; while not all otherkin embrace who they are.

Edited Jan 2/3, 2020; Jan 5/6, 2020; Jan 19, 2020; Jan 29, 2020; Feb 25, 2020; Mar 7, 2020; Jul 9, 2020; Sept 20, 2020. 

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