In this post, I will take some time to explore each of the HMDJVNW, including their individual roles in the world of Monvesia. Though these beings came to overthrow the giants and take over Desolation, they are daemon lords of Limbo--and as such have dominion over aberrations.
Behind the Scenes: The name HMDJVNW is an adaptation of the initialism AMDIVNU--the the seven Temperaments, including Universalism. Originally, AMDIVNU (whose name is always capitalized, and never replaced with a pronoun) was only one Great Old One; and AMDIVNU was once considered was the "god" of mages (or at least the originator of magic, see ENSHZRYD). As the history of goliaths and humans has evolved with the setting, so has AMDIVNU also evolved--into the HMDJVNW.